ups and downs of being an indie author

The more I research, the more I discover that if you don’t spend money on your book, you won’t get the results you hoped.  I know get it. Being an indie author is really difficult and costly.


My first novel has been out for two months now and since I self-published through here, I haven’t seen sales results yet. I was given a 90 day window for any feedback. Fine by me.  But the fact I am  currently researching publishing the book in paperback and determining which route to go down to do so, I realize more and more, everything costs an arm and a leg with very little profit.  I do wonder if all the companies are a scam? I mean most offer printing packages, but do little to promote your book – in fact, they ‘train you’ to do your own marketing and promoting.  Is this how traditional publishing companies work?

Right now, I don’t know how far to go without seeing any results. The clock is ticking and there are book fairs I plan to attend, but not at the cost of investing way too much to potentially see very little results.

It’s a tough market, one which needs structure in my opinion and affordable options to a new author. Hmmm…


  1. I love the cover of your book.. its so striking and dynamic! I don’t know much about book marketing, promotion etc. I doubt if I’d ever write a book myself, but have a great deal of admiration and respect for both commercial and indie authors who meet the challenge of publishing. I write book reviews that’s about all I can manage. The very best of luck with your book!


    1. Dear missmickeesunshine – Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reaching out to me and of course your kind words. How does one send you a book to review?


  2. I am really honored you would want to send me one of your books! Find my reviews (all 83 of them) posted on Amazon. I predominately write reviews dealing with mental health issues, but enjoy the challenge of writing about other topics as well. My last review was posted 03/25 called “Poets Muse” by Adrian Corday. I appreciate any helpful clicks, as I am unknown… my friends are patiently tolerant of: “Have you clicked any review for me lately?” Most of the time they have not, and I understand, Everyone is so busy…. My address:
    Michel Short
    306 NW 62nd St.
    Seattle, WA. 98107.2112
    Only send your book if you like my review. Everyone has different standards Thank you for your consideration:)


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